Friday, December 09, 2011


Sometimes, I feel like my best isn't good enough. I tried so hard this semester and so far, I have two C's to show for it. I understand the Faces of Culture grade because I kept forgetting about the stupid online quizzes, and I know that seriously hurt me. I'm just really nervous about my Critical Thinking and Abnormal Psychology grade. I'm more nervous about the Critical Thinking grade than anything. I really want to know what I made on the media project. I was so nervous while I presenting, I could feel my lower jaw shaking as I was talking. I hate public speaking, I really do. But I need to get over that because if I want to be a psychologist with my own practice, I'll have to get over presenting on front of strangers. I'm trying not to worry too much but it's hard considering my tuition is due Monday and my VR counselor has been out this last week. Forget the new ear molds, I want them to pay my tuition!! I know I was in contact with her before she went away so I know she knows, so I'm hoping she did all the things she needed to do before she left, or got someone else to do it as well. Right now, I'm at Wendy's house right now while she and Wesley gets Eli's Xmas present. And tomorrow, Alix and I are watching my beautiful goddaughter. Right now, that's all I want. Just to play with someone who doesn't care about my grades haha

Monday, December 05, 2011


Finals are looming and as usual, stressing out about them. I always worry about my grades but then I get the added pressure of "are they good enough for VR?" If not this semester, I won't be in school next semester because on December 14th, starting at 9 am, I will be getting crowns on my teeth. Which also means there goes all my gift card wishes (sad face). I really want to update my closet to more girly clothes. It's seriously time for a change! But alas, that change comes in the form of new teeth. Which I'm excited about, because I hate my teeth, and not excited about because I REALLY wanted some new clothes. I don't normally ask for clothes, so you know it's a big deal when I do.

Angela is graduating December 18th in Macon. I got the invite the other day. I'm so proud of her and it upsets me that I won't be able to attend. I haven't been able to figure out how to tell her that I won't be there. If it weren't the same day that Alix's family were doing their Christmas AND Alix's birthday, I would be down there in a heartbeat. But I'm going to make sure we hang out when she comes back to town. I do need to write her though, I don't want her to think I forgot about her! Cause I haven't!

Speaking of the Howard Christmas, I really need to get started on editing the pictures for all the presents. Ay yi yi yi. What have I gotten myself into? But what can I say? I love photography. The pictures Alix and I took of her niece and nephews turned out really great, I really don't think some of them even need editing. I really love the ones by the railroad tracks.

In a separate post, I'm gonna talk about the submissions I make to the new edition of the Eclectic. Two of my pictures got in there last time, so we will see what happens.

Well, back to studying for finals. :)