Thursday, November 18, 2010

uummmmm yea

So it's been awhile i guess. But yet, so many good things have happened since the last post. Alix and I have officially moved out of that hellhole called the Grove, away from the people from hell. Brittney and I are best friends and even better, Alix and Julia are best friends. Brittney and I realized that if we had just talked to each other, instead of letting butthead and beavis (joey and brandon) do it for us, we would have seen that we were basically just entertainment to them. Joey and Brandon had told us that they had told Brittney dozens of times that Alix did like her. But Brittney tells me that they told her that Alix didn't like her. I hate that I allowed them to come between a friendship that had been before them. But that's all I'm saying about that. Joey and Brandon and Molly aren't even worthy enough to be the scum between my toes.

I've lost another friendship but I'm not so sure that I care. Because it is all just so stupid.

I'm back in school this semester and I have a license and a car. School has been okay. I'm sucking in US History 2. I was so sure that when the semester started, I was going to breeze through US History 2 and struggle in Psychology and it is the complete and total opposite. And I hate it and I'm worried. There isn't much time left in the semester. I really have to do well on the next test if I want the grade I want. My future is riding on this. If I don't get my GPA, I'm out for the next five years. And this....scares the shit out of me. But Alix and my parents have been the best supporters of me. They tell that they love me and they have faith in me. They don't pressure me, they just encourage me. And that is so much appreciated.

I really want to try and write some more. And not just when I have some deep thought. Just write regularly.